Senger Naturwelt

Senger Naturwelt is a German brand that has been in existence for more than 30 years. Senger Naturwelt offers a whole collection of cuddly toys, plush toys with a vintage look. All Senger Naturwelt products are manufactured in an ecological and sustainable way with the main objective of ensuring the quality of their products.

Senger Naturwelt is a German brand that has been in existence for more than 30 years. Senger Naturwelt offers a whole collection of cuddly toys, plush toys with a vintage look. All Senger Naturwelt products are manufactured in an ecological and sustainable way with the main objective of ensuring the quality of their products. Behind Senger Naturwelt lies a couple Sabine and Volker Senger. The love of craftsmanship, sensitivity to the quality of workmanship, a high level of quality in the materials used and an awareness of sustainable work have been deeply rooted in their ideas from the beginning. The consistent quality of their products made in Germany and their wonderful "timelessness" make them a great success in Germany. The first cuddly toy has a very special place in the lives of our children, often preciously kept year after year, so it is important that it is robust, of incredible quality. All these advantages guarantee a lasting relationship. Senger products are not only plush toys, but also pieces of very good manual work, authentic and affectionate, with great sensitivity to the manufacture and quality of the selected materials. All you have to do is make your choice! 



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