
Élhée is a very young French childcare brand created by Allison Piraud. Élhée proposes a new baby bottle, innovative in its material and shape.

Élhée is a very young French childcare brand created by Allison Piraud. Élhée proposes a new baby bottle, innovative in its material and shape. Élhée offers all parents a moment of softness, a milky parenthesis. The BibRond Élhée what is it? It is a bottle with soft and rounded curves, not without reminding the maternal breast. But not that ! Élhée is also a bottle designed in medical silicone with a patented system to prevent the liquid contained never touching plastic. When our children are born, it's only natural that we parents want the best for them. Breastfed or bottle-fed babies, Élhée is the solution for a healthy, practical and stylish bottle. 



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