Sketch Inc

Becky Kemp is the creator of Sketch Inc. She lives in the south of England and is inspired by her childhood (Russian dolls of her grandmother, frozen candy papers...) to create jewels all in details and colorful. She makes them and paints them herself by hand in her own home studio. She likes to think of her brooches as tiny portable art objects with their own personality, walking with their owners and traveling the world.

Becky Kemp is the creator of Sketch Inc. She lives in the south of England and is inspired by her childhood (Russian dolls of her grandmother, frozen candy papers...) to create jewels all in details and colorful. She makes them and paints them herself by hand in her own home studio. She likes to think of her brooches as tiny portable art objects with their own personality, walking with their owners and traveling the world. His childish and graphic universe has pleased Yellow Flamingo and you will surely like it too. His Russian dolls will brighten up the decoration of your children's bedroom, and will also make them discover this mythical wooden object that gives rise to so many stories... 



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